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Honor Killings


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[quote name='bhrhrahraa' date='10 December 2009 - 09:36 AM' timestamp='1260463011' post='2017508']
I'll stop insulting him and you when you stop insulting my Creator and Prophet. Since you are unable to do that, don't expect any from me.
No one has insulted your creator or any real prophet, because of course Christ is your creator, and HCF would never insult Christ the Lord.

Edited by Apotheoun
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what the heavens!

[quote name='HisChildForever' date='10 December 2009 - 09:56 AM' timestamp='1260456969' post='2017424']
Again, the first link you provided had NOTHING to do with Christianity. The second link you provided was a MUSLIM BLOG. That is not a reliable news source for obvious reasons. But, please, if you want to continue ignoring Islamic violence, go right ahead. For you to suggest that my religion is the violent one is probably the best joke I've heard all year. Oh, and you can stop blatantly insulting my intelligence. It's getting real old real fast.

Wow, you call yourself a feminist? Are you a feminist like how the girls in Gossip Girl are feminists? I don't understand how being racist, ignorant, arrogant, and intolerant is a feminist quality. This is speaking as a feminist though, someone who cares about equality and equity for all humans, regardless of what colour they are or what they believe. I study violence against women and I work with women who've experienced terrible violence at the hands of men. I myself have experienced terrible violence at the hands of men, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. "Honour killings" has no more to do with Islam than being a white pig farmer in B.C has to do with murdering over 70 mostly Native women. Honours killings are acts of violence committed against women, by men. Just like rape (happens every 30 seconds in your country), domestic abuse, sexual abuse, women being forced into prostitution by boyfriends, girls being sold by their parents into child prostitution, "crimes of passions" men murdering their wives if they suspect they were cheating, men murdering their wives or girlfriends when they try to leave them, men murdering women who won't have sex with them, men murdering women who will have sex with them- these are all acts of violence against women (and children) by men.

Violence against women is a problem in Muslim countries just like it's a problem here. It's an epidemic- no, pandemic, and instead of doing what a real feminist who actually cares about women would do, which is look at the problem for what it is, an expression of male power over women, you're making it into a problem that only happens to "other" people, lesser people, people who aren't as civilized as you are here in the centre of the universe, New Jersey, U.S.A. So now you've got these evil Muslim men who do evil things to their poor, helpless women, and you think the feminist thing to do is save the Muslim women by converting them into worshipping a three-headed god and adopting your superior Western lifestyle. Do you not understand what a hypocrite you're being, and how completely, willfully blind you are to what the real issue is? Honour killings are a cultural expression of violence against women that pre-dates Islam, just like f.g.m. does. They're abhorrent, they make me sick to my stomach, they make me cry, but so do accounts of distant cousins of mine being raped by Serbian Orthodox Christian soldiers during the Bosnian genocide, and stories of my friends being raped and physically and sexually abused, right here in Toronto. It's an epidemic of violence against women, and we need to accept that it there is no culture or society in the world that is immune to it. We'll never be able to stop it if we pretend that it only happens to people who aren't like us.

Please read an effing book and stop reading Cosmo magazine for your "feminist" education.

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Here is a video of Muslims attacking an Orthodox Church:


Truly disgusting!

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More than 150 Orthodox Churches and monasteries have been destroyed by Muslims in Kosovo


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[quote name='Apotheoun' date='10 December 2009 - 12:00 PM' timestamp='1260464411' post='2017533']
No one has insulted your creator or any real prophet, because of course Christ is your creator, and HCF would never insult Christ the Lord.

Christ is the slave of Allah swt, like we all are. And I believe HCF called our Prophet a pedophile. And oh, you're supposed to be a Christian and can't even follow the teachings of Christ? Why are you still a "Christian"?

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what the heavens!

One example? You've got to be kidding me. The Serbs purposefully destroyed over 600 mosques in Bosnia. By the way, that video is of Kosovo, not Bosnia. Different ethnic groups, different wars, and I'm sure you know that Catholic and Muslim Albanians were fighting together against the Serbs? Nice try, cetnik, but a simple knowledge of history destroys your attempt at changing the subject.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' date='10 December 2009 - 11:35 AM' timestamp='1260462933' post='2017503']
Then you have not read all my post within this thread. And I do know the difference between the two in the first place.

I obviously couldn't put myself through the torture of reading your false, horrid backward posts.

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[quote name='what the heavens!' date='10 December 2009 - 12:05 PM' timestamp='1260464751' post='2017540']
One example? You've got to be kidding me. The Serbs purposefully destroyed over 600 mosques in Bosnia. By the way, that video is of Kosovo, not Bosnia. Different ethnic groups, different wars, and I'm sure you know that Catholic and Muslim Albanians were fighting together against the Serbs? Nice try, cetnik, but a simple knowledge of history destroys your attempt at changing the subject.

Just goes to show how "informed" they really are.

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[quote name='bhrhrahraa' date='10 December 2009 - 10:03 AM' timestamp='1260464623' post='2017537']
Christ is the slave of Allah swt, like we all are.[/quote]
Christ is the God-man, the second person of the Holy Trinity, the only Son of the Father. That said, through His incarnation (i.e., in His humanity) He did become a servant, for as scripture says: "Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross."

[quote name='bhrhrahraa' date='10 December 2009 - 10:03 AM' timestamp='1260464623' post='2017537']
And I believe HCF called our Prophet a pedophile.
She was referring to his "marriage" to Aisha. BTW, Mohammad is a false prophet, which Christ warned us about in the gospel.

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[quote name='what the heavens!' date='10 December 2009 - 10:05 AM' timestamp='1260464751' post='2017540']
By the way, that video is of Kosovo, not Bosnia. [/quote]
I didn't mention Bosnia.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' date='10 December 2009 - 12:14 PM' timestamp='1260465287' post='2017548']
Christ is the God-man, the second person of the Holy Trinity, the only Son of the Father. That said, through His incarnation (i.e., in His humanity) He did become a servant, for as scripture says: "Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross."[/quote]
The trinity in itself is a blasphemy. I thought you Christians would be smart enough to realize that, let alone follow a concept created by man scores after Christ's death.

[quote]She was referring to his "marriage" to Aisha. BTW, Mohammad is a false prophet, which Christ warned us about in the gospel.

Aisha never rejected the marriage, smarty.
And all of his marriages were political, they were to give an example to society of what a marriage should be like. He broke cultural barriers. And what other way to explain this than the prophet observing it himself?

If Mohammed pbuh is a false prophet, then it's extremely ironic to see that there are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world. Following 9.11, roughly 34,000 Americans reverted to Islam.

Also, I have a few questions:

1- Where in the bible did Jesus claim to be god?
2- Where in the bible did Jesus ask to be worshipped?
3- Where did Jesus say I am God Manifested in flesh?
4- Where did Jesus mention the original sin?
5- Where did Jesus say I am the God the Son?
6- Where did Jesus say that I am God the Word?
7- Where did Jesus say I am the Second God in Trinity?

Edited by bhrhrahraa
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[quote name='what the heavens!' date='10 December 2009 - 12:05 PM' timestamp='1260464751' post='2017540']
One example? You've got to be kidding me. The Serbs purposefully destroyed over 600 mosques in Bosnia. By the way, that video is of Kosovo, not Bosnia. Different ethnic groups, different wars, and I'm sure you know that Catholic and Muslim Albanians were fighting together against the Serbs? Nice try, cetnik, but a simple knowledge of history destroys your attempt at changing the subject.


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[quote name='rkwright' date='11 December 2009 - 01:42 AM' timestamp='1260456139' post='2017419']
I know this quote was like 3 pages ago, but a lot happened since last night.

But I have a question. Winchester said you're going to end up with people like the Kennedy's or Pelosi in your fold. You responded with this. Meaning that the fold isn't going to go astray.

Does this mean that the Muslim "radicals" we call today, aren't really "radical" at all? If you claim that people in your fold are not going to be misled, that means that the true terrorists are doing exactly what Islam teaches, right?

I mean it seems to me that you want to distance yourself from those people, just as us Catholics say the Kennedy's are not truly Catholic. Yet you're saying the opposite?
No, its mean basically that Muslims know what Islam is and isn't. For example vast majority of Muslims accept that Riba(interest) is forbidden. No one is going to come in 100 years and say that well riba only means really high interest.

But when a Muslim gets 4 witnesses he can legitimately kill he womanbased on the religious text. Thus the difference is that your textdirectly supports the killing of people; ours does not.[/quote]
And you need a state authority, you can't just DIY.

Isn't a Muslim woman counted as 1/2 a witness as a man?
Isn't a non-muslim not counted as a witness at all?
Can't the judge bring in their own knowledge of the subject aside from the facts presented?
There is no right to cross exam a witness is there? So getting fourwitnesses could be as easy as rounding up four men and paying them off,at least theoretically?
There are no procedures for Islamic trials, or at least very littlecorrect? They can be held informally, in someone's house for example.


Many of you keep pointing to the text itself, which justifies killingpeople in certain contexts. You're argument is that it takes 4witnesses to convict someone, so there is this safeguard in place. Yetthese types of convictions do occur, and as I understand it, maybe notfrequently, but they do occur. So the truth of the matter is thatpeople are really killed following the Islamic law?[/quote]
This really requires a very long explanation. You have managed to touch on about 3 major issues.

[quote name='HisChildForever' date='11 December 2009 - 02:40 AM' timestamp='1260459628' post='2017453']
I posted historical fact.

want me to start on "Saint" Paul?

[quote][quote name='Apotheoun' date='11 December 2009 - 02:46 AM' timestamp='1260460014' post='2017458']
Whenyou study the early history of Islam, you see that Mohammad wasinvolved in battle after battle, so to the title "Warlord" and the term"Warmonger" are accurate.

All of which were basically defensive.

kinda overdoing the martyr thing, should i get my violin and bagpipes? [/quote]
[quote name='Apotheoun' date='11 December 2009 - 04:02 AM' timestamp='1260464528' post='2017535']
Here is a video of Muslims attacking an Orthodox Church:


Truly disgusting!
Some of us are from the Balkans and we know all the dirty secrets of the Orthodox Christians including skinning alive people, mass rape, mass murder, gendercide, ethnic cleansing(by both expulsion and murder) and last but not least systematic destruction of places of worship. Keep that in mind if you want to slander groups of people.

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[quote name='bhrhrahraa' date='10 December 2009 - 10:22 AM' timestamp='1260465748' post='2017552']
Also, I have a few questions:

1- Where in the bible did Jesus claim to be god?
2- Where in the bible did Jesus ask to be worshipped?
3- Where did Jesus say I am God Manifested in flesh?
4- Where did Jesus mention the original sin?
5- Where did Jesus say I am the God the Son?
6- Where did Jesus say that I am God the Word?
7- Where did Jesus say I am the Second God in Trinity?
First, because of the way that you have worded your questions, I must affirm that the whole of the New Testament, and not simply the Gospels, relate Christ's teaching about Himself, because He inspired all of sacred scripture, which means that He is the source of the whole, and not merely a portion. In a little while I will post the New Testament texts that affirm the divinity of Christ.

May God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit enlighten your mind, so that you may accept the Holy Gospel.

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