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An Objective Truth From God


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When read in full, you will know that it was God who sent this message of truth. If not read in full and compared to the time line presented at the end. One will only remain in darkness discarding the treasure God is asking you to invest. [url="http://www.bombaxo.com/didascalia.html"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]
[size="3"][/size][color="#0000ff"]on the tenth of the moon[/color][/u][/b], [color="#ff0000"]on the second day of the week[/color], (p. 92) the priests and elders of the people assembled and came to the court of Caiaphas the high priest; and they took counsel to apprehend Jesus and put him to death: but they feared, saying: Not in the festival, lest the people make a tumult [Mt 26.3-5]; for all men were hanging upon Him [Lk 19.48], and they held him for a prophet [Mt 21.46] on account of His miracles of healing which He did among them. [b][u][color="#0000ff"]But Jesus was that day in the house of Simon the leper[/color][/u][/b][/size][size="3"][color="#0000ff"] [/color][Mt 26.6], and we together with Him, and He related to us that which was about to happen to Him. But Judas went out privily from us, thinking that he would evade our Lord, and went to the house of Caiaphas where the chief priests and elders were assembled, and said to them: What will ye give me, and I will betray Him to you when I have found an occasion? But they appointed [[188]] and gave him thirty pieces of silver [Mt 26.15]. And he said to them: 'Make ready young men armed, because of His disciples, that if He go forth by night to a desert place I may come and lead you.' And they made ready the young men and prepared to seize Him. And Judas was watching, when he might find him an occasion to betray him

If Christ died on a Friday in the Year of His Crucifixion, The testimony as illustrated above regarding the anointing in Bethany would have taken place on the second day of the week for the tenth of the moon or Ten Nissan. See page 9 of the time line for example. What is clear by this testimony is that it is placing the anointing in Bethany on the Evening of the tenth day of the first month since it's in reference to the upcoming Passover/crucifixion. For the possibility of a Friday crucifixion this would have been a Sunday Night (Gregorian time). This in turn according to the book of John would have placed the triumphal entry on a Monday if it happened the day after the anointing in Bethany. This illustrates that the Palm Sunday tradition had not yet been established by the 3[sup]rd[/sup] century councils that defined the tenet view. The Third century Christians had a great deal of confusion based on the written testimonies that existed in their time. [/size]

[size="3"]All through the Didascalia Apostolorum the Bishop appears to be quoting from Matt, Mark, Luke and John yet he had this perception of understanding which is very different and not consistent with the traditional perceptions shared by much of Christianity today who build their understanding on what should be the same gospels if they never changed by the hand of scribes during the first three centuries where no solid accountability can be given or verified.

If Christ died on a Wednesday in 30 AD, (see page 12 and 13 of link referenced time line) what we have is a piece of historical testimonial evidence corroborating that the anointing in Bethany occurred on the evening of the tenth day of the first month, (Ten Nissan). If Christ was crucified in 30 AD, the anointing in Bethany would have been the Evening of the Sabbath just as the Gospel of the twelve presents which gives credibility that the Gospel of the twelve predates the Didascalia Apostolorum which is said to have been written in the second to Third century prior to the 3[sup]rd[/sup] and 4[sup]th[/sup] century councils. The four day prophecy of Exodus 12 is able to then illustrate that this Bishop who wrote Didascalia Apostolorum was not baring solid true witness regarding the illustrated events when he claimed [color="#ff0000"]it was the Second day of the week[/color][/size][size="3"]. Exodus 12 prophecy and the historical evidence of its fulfillment also highlights that the Gospel of John is not baring true witness by claiming the anointing in Bethany occurred 6 days before the Passover. It exposes that Matthew and Mark are also not baring true witness by illustrating that the anointing in Bethany occurred two days before the Passover.

The Gospel of the twelve, though placing the anointing in Bethany with the correct perception of time for when the event occurred (Evening of the Sabbath) appears to skip the day time period for the event that would have occurred on the Sabbath day following the anointing in Bethany by stating that the triumphal entry occurred on the First day of the week. Later in the Gospel of twelve's testimony of events that followed up to the Crucifixion, someone from our Christian past added in a day transition in the middle of the Cleansing of the Temple testimony, otherwise the Gospel of Twelve would have portrayed Jesus Crucifixion on a Thursday.[/size]

[size="3"]What I find most interesting is that the bishop appears to be using the book of Matthew as it appeared in His day (specifically chapter 26 as it appears in our day) to explain his perception of understanding. The oldest know copies of the canonized gospels can only be allegedly dateable to the 3[sup]rd[/sup] to 4[sup]th[/sup] century. Chapter 26 of Matthew as it appears to us today begins with a time marker by stating it was Two days before the Passover, (12 Nissan) then illustrates the same events that the bishop was trying to portray occurring two days earlier than the gospels of Matt and Mark currently portray. If the Gospel of Matthew and Mark which state a uniform perception of time for these events were never changed or altered by Scribes in the third or fourth century, this Bishop, whose testimony is said to predate the oldest preserved Christian gospel texts would not be presenting this perception of understanding which goes very contrary to the perception of time presented by our bibles gospels today regarding the anointing in Bethany event. This is clear evidence that the bible gospels we have today are not what were available to the Third century Christian prior to the 3[sup]rd[/sup] and 4[sup]th[/sup] century councils.[/size]

[size="3"]One thing that is very clear is that this man is a man of intelligence and reason who was familiar with the Jewish concept of time regarding an evening and morning making a day. It's very clear that he inherited written lies which caused him to build an understanding on lies. We today are an end result of this which gives us evidence of this below Jeremiah prophecy in fulfillment since many make the bible the Word of God instead of the voice of truth that those of the truth should hear as was spoken by Jesus to Pilate. [/size]

[b][size="3"]Jeremiah 16: 19-20 [/size][/b]

[size="3"][b]19 O LORD, my strength and my fortress, My refuge in the day of affliction, The [u]Gentiles[/u] shall come to You From the ends of the earth and say, "Surely our fathers have inherited lies, Worthlessness and unprofitable [i]things.[/i]" 20 Will a man make gods for himself, which [i]are[/i] not gods? [/b][/size]

[size="3"]The time line at the below link illustrates very clearly how to use OT Prophecy as a light to the confusion of Christian written recorded history. See pages 9 and 12 in comparison to the Bishops testimony. The mystery of Babylon is soon to be solved when the born again process (the true gospel of the Christ) begins being taken to the world in truth through the Spirit that gives life not the letter which kills. 2 Corinthians 3:4-6[/size]


Edited by todd_vetter33
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[quote name='hot stuff' date='01 December 2009 - 10:14 PM' timestamp='1259723684' post='2012875']
Again, somebody send me a pm when this gets to the point where he suggests that Pope John Paul II was the antichrist.

You obviously didn't read the document in full. I illustrate that Satan in the last days will use the IMAGE of Pope John Paul II. I present prophetic evidence from Catholic Doctrine to support this perception of understanding. Get the facts straight, or you are mearely speculating false testimony to deter others from reading what I have come to present. The point is made quite clear the the previous post illustrating Catholic history has built their traditions on the lies they received on paper because they never received the truth in spirit. You actually have to read in full the original post to know what I am here to share an observation of truth with you truth from Your Catholic Past. Despite your doubts about John Paul II, You have yet to illustrate any page of testimony that is not telling an objective truth based on the Catholic Doctrine (bible) used to build the time line.

God Bless.

Edited by todd_vetter33
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[color="#000000"][size="1"][img]http://alipr.com/pict/icons/thumbs-up.gif[/img] [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showuser=8125"]Hassan[/url] and [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showuser=657"]2 others[/url] like this.[/size][/color]

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[quote name='todd_vetter33' date='01 December 2009 - 10:45 PM' timestamp='1259725558' post='2012907']
You obviously didn't read the document in full. I illustrate that Satan in the last days will use the IMAGE of Pope John Paul II. I present prophetic evidence from Catholic Doctrine to support this perception of understanding. Get the facts straight, or you are mearely speculating false testimony to deter others from reading what I have come to present. The point is made quite clear the the previous post illustrating Catholic history has built their traditions on the lies they received on paper because they never received the truth in spirit. You actually have to read in full the original post to know what I am here to share an observation of truth with you truth from Your Catholic Past. Despite your doubts about John Paul II, You have yet to illustrate any page of testimony that is not telling an objective truth based on the Catholic Doctrine (bible) used to build the time line.

God Bless.

You're pissed I gave away the ending aren't you?

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='02 December 2009 - 12:38 AM' timestamp='1259732335' post='2013014']
Ooh, me too, me too!
I'm SO confused.

Dude you are such a flirt.

And she's married!

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='01 December 2009 - 11:40 PM' timestamp='1259732403' post='2013017']
Dude you are such a flirt.

And she's married!
I'm not even referring to her..... this time. :annoyed:

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[quote name='zunshynn' date='02 December 2009 - 12:46 AM' timestamp='1259732770' post='2013028']
hot stuff you don't really think I'm married, do you?

[quote name='zunshynn' date='01 December 2009 - 03:20 AM' timestamp='1259655601' post='2012439']
I've been married for almost a year now. My husband works as a professional lion tamer

There's a direct quote

BTW I would totally love to be facebook friends with your husband.

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