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The Plan Of Salvation


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[center][b][size="3"]The Plan of Salvation[/size][/b][/center]
[center][b][size="3"]By Todd M. Vetter[/size][/b][/center]

[size="3"]Without the spirit of God re-united to the soul, the soul remains trapped in the temporary tabernacle (flesh), there is only existence and regeneration of the soul trapped in sin and darkness. There is no rest for the wicked, but the Righteous enter into rest.

I know I was born dead for the dead know nothing and what infant when born according to the flesh knows anything? It's said that even Jesus, who was born according to the flesh, grew in the spirit as we all must. Any infant born according to the flesh suffers through the ignorance of sin and the experience of our existence. Sin is defiance or ignorance of the wisdom and Law of God. Adam and Eve though made pure in the beginning, were in a state of ignorance due to a lacking of Life experience, hence their desire to give into sin by seeking an unknown promised wisdom by the serpent and master of the half truth lie.

We can exist an entire life time in the flesh and never truly live if the only way to enter the kingdom is to be born again. This has been the case for man having a soul throughout the ages, cut off from the spirit of God due to the entrance of Sin. [/size]

[size="3"]Having the soul re-united to the spirit of God according to Jesus in the gospel of twelve is the only way to enter the kingdom of heaven, when you make the two into one (soul and spirit united). Until then we simply exist and stumble through history and sin which over time bares witness to the darkness of ignorance or defiance (sin) we are in without the wisdom and Law of God written on our hearts.

The day of Pentecost is the anniversary of the day Israel received the Law of God from the mouth of God (hence we can only live by every word that proceeded from the mouth of God). Pentecost is also the day the First fruits of Jesus received the spirit of God (Law written on the heart in spirit), It was at that moment they were children of God just as Jesus was a child begotten of the heavenly parent after his baptism of water (repentance) and spirit, making him a faithful witness and first born from the dead Rev 1:5. Jesus said that when we die we will be like the angels in heaven, We know John the Revelator was an angel, for when he bowed to the Angel while in vision, the angel warned against this by saying they were brothers and that he should worship God (The Heavenly Parent). The John of Revelation had not yet reached physical death, yet had already died to self and was born again in new life through the Christ (The anointing of Spirit).

Because the flesh is simply a vessel that carries the soul, it's for this reason that God was quick to kill the flesh of the wicked in the OT; for us to learn from the example that sin will result in death. It's the soul that God is interested in bringing out of the darkness of sin. It is stated that God knew us before we were born. This strongly implies a pre-existence of the soul before our existence in our current temporary tabernacle (flesh).

We see an example of this in the bible where John the Baptist did not know he was the return of Elijah even though he was a prophet who received the Word of the Lord in the manner of the old Covenant (externally); yet Jesus who received the New covenant internally (word of God written on the heart), implied John the Baptist was the return of Elijah after the transfiguration on the mount. Much of the concept of the regeneration for the soul was left out of the 4 bible gospels, but is still preserved in the gospel of 12 which clearly pre-dates the 4 bible gospels we have today. I recommend reading this for greater understanding. We have to remember that Jesus did nothing of himself unless it was given to him from His parent who is our parent regarding the spirit of God internal and eternal (New Covenant)

This process is the only way for all souls since the beginning of time to be judged equally and have the opportunity to be born again as Jesus stated, No one enters heaven unless they are born again. We know John the Baptist was beheaded prior to Pentecost when the first fruits (144,000) were born again and entered into the kingdom to be angels (messengers of God) speaking the good news of the Gospel (anointing of spirit and the resurrection of the sons and daughters of Man) that they had received. It's for this reason that they too like Jesus could heal with a word and since they were of the truth, could hear God's voice. With out the regeneration of the soul, the soul of John the Baptist who was the return of Elijah would never see the kingdom of heaven.[/size]

[size="3"]It's for this reason that Jesus could say to the man on the Cross that he would be in heaven even though that man died before the day of Pentecost. Jesus also asked his parent to forgive the men who put him on the cross and mocked him. He knew due to the plan of salvation they would have another chance later in earth history to experience the born again process (Baptism of Spirit).

John the Baptist who was the return of the soul that was also in Elijah, would have either been re-generated to a new tabernacle of flesh to later in history experience the born again process, or was one of many who came back from the grave on the day of Jesus physical resurrection to meet with the apostles during the feast of weeks in Galilee in preparation for the day of Pentecost. John the Baptist having a pure body through repentance and able to communicate with God the parent before meeting Jesus prior to his baptism of water and spirit, would have likely been brought back from the dead at the physical resurrection since his temple (body) was a pure temple through the doctrine of Repentance that both He and Jesus taught by direction of the heavenly parent. Only Jesus the first born from the dead was at the time of Pentecost, able to baptize with the Fire (Spirit of God), since it was he who solidified this covenant between the lost souls of heaven.[/size]

[size="3"]We know that that the Apostles after their Baptism of Spirit were also able to baptize with the Holy Spirit if the bible in its current state is telling the truth of the matter. Jesus did state that we would do all that He did and more. If this is so, then they too were of the Way, the Truth and the Life in every way that Jesus was. Born dead according to the Flesh in sin, then made alive through repentance by the wisdom of the Law and keeping that which is good. This allowed them to be re-connected with the spirit of God through spiritual re-birth.

It's not until Acts 11 that we see the Hellenists (Pagans) of Antioch who first called themselves Christians due to separating doctrinally from The Way, the Truth, and The life begin calling themselves Christians. A Prophet from Jerusalem (Agabus) who was part of the The Way Jesus started went to meet the Christians of Antioch and upon meeting them, he prophesied a famine through out all the world. Could he have been talking about a spiritual Famine (men lacking the spirit of God) even though they (the Christians) recorded that it was in reference to a physical famine? If the Word of the Lord is spiritual food and living water for true life from heaven, then we are in the fasting the Christ said would occur when the bride groom would be taken away since we do not possess the promised spiritual gifts the Apostles (Saints) received through the baptism of the Spirit. The forth beast of Daniel is said to wear out the patience of the Saints and overcome them, which implies that the light they held would be hidden for a specified time.[/size]

[size="3"]The Christian who wanted to spread a Gospel they could not fully comprehend and not led by the spirit due to lacking the foundation of the law that Christ fulfilled, would be the many Anti-Christ deceivers talked about by the Apostle John if the Sons of God are led by the spirit of God ([b]Romans 8:14[/b][b])[/b][b].[/b][/size][size="3"] We have their written recordings in our bible today since the Apostles would have taught what God was giving them in their ear to speak. They could hear God's voice and were living examples of the Way, Truth, and Life. (A living gospel of truth vs. the written half truths we received on paper which clearly suffered corruption by the speculations of our Christian forefathers at the pen of gentile scribes).

We are spiritual descendants of the Christians who separated from the Way, Truth, and Life. We are only of The Way as the Apostles were, if we are born again.

This is the love of God, To learn how to love God by walking in His WAY, Truth (with out Error) and Life (Free from Sin) through repentance, before physical death of the flesh so that our flesh and soul united to the spirit of God, A purified temple by repentance and spirit, can enter into rest for the second resurrection on the last day.

The sacrifice of Christ is to be our sacrifice in every way for we too will drink from the same Spiritual cup that Jesus drank. He resisted sin through repentance and so should we just as the Apostles who followed His example. It's for this reason that the animal sacrifices could be abolished. We must die to self to save a brother. The daily sacrifice is still there since not one jot or title of the Law will pass away, the new sacrifice involves your ability to make a wise choice in existence to achieve life.

The mystery of Babylon is soon to be solved when the born again process (the true gospel of the Christ) begins being taken to the world in truth through the Spirit that gives life not the letter which kills. 2 Corinthians 3:4-6[/size]

[size="3"]Very respectfully[/size]

[size="3"]Todd M. Vetter[/size]

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[size="3"][b][u][color="#0000ff"]on the tenth of the moon[/color][/u][/b], [color="#ff0000"]on the second day of the week[/color], (p. 92) the priests and elders of the people assembled and came to the court of Caiaphas the high priest; and they took counsel to apprehend Jesus and put him to death: but they feared, saying: Not in the festival, lest the people make a tumult [Mt 26.3-5]; for all men were hanging upon Him [Lk 19.48], and they held him for a prophet [Mt 21.46] on account of His miracles of healing which He did among them. [b][u][color="#0000ff"]But Jesus was that day in the house of Simon the leper[/color][/u][/b][/size][size="3"] [Mt 26.6], and we together with Him, and He related to us that which was about to happen to Him. But Judas went out privily from us, thinking that he would evade our Lord, and went to the house of Caiaphas where the chief priests and elders were assembled, and said to them: What will ye give me, and I will betray Him to you when I have found an occasion? But they appointed [[188]] and gave him thirty pieces of silver [Mt 26.15]. And he said to them: 'Make ready young men armed, because of His disciples, that if He go forth by night to a desert place I may come and lead you.' And they made ready the young men and prepared to seize Him. And Judas was watching, when he might find him an occasion to betray him

If Christ died on a Friday in the Year of His Crucifixion, The testimony as illustrated above regarding the anointing in Bethany would have taken place on the second day of the week for the tenth of the moon or Ten Nissan. See page 9 of the time line found at the link at the end of this posting for example. What is clear by this testimony is that it is placing the anointing in Bethany on the Evening of the tenth day of the first month since it's in reference to the upcoming Passover/crucifixion. For the possibility of a Friday crucifixion this would have been a Sunday Night (Gregorian time). This in turn according to the book of John would have placed the triumphal entry on a Monday if it happened the day after the anointing in Bethany. This illustrates that the Palm Sunday tradition had not yet been established by the 3[sup]rd[/sup] century councils that defined the tenet view. The Third century Christians had a great deal of confusion based on the written testimonies that existed in their time. [/size]


[size="3"]All through the Didascalia Apostolorum the Bishop appears to be quoting from Matt, Mark, Luke and John yet he had this perception of understanding which is very different and not consistent with the traditional perceptions shared by much of Christianity today who build their understanding on what should be the same gospels if they never changed by the hand of scribes during the first three centuries where no solid accountability can be given or verified.

If Christ died on a Wednesday in 30 AD, (see page 12 of time line) what we have is a piece of historical testimonial evidence corroborating that the anointing in Bethany occurred on the evening of the tenth day of the first month, (Ten Nissan). If Christ was crucified in 30 AD, the anointing in Bethany would have been the Evening of the Sabbath just as the Gospel of the twelve presents which gives credibility that the Gospel of the twelve predates the Didascalia Apostolorum which is said to have been written in the second to Third century prior to the 3[sup]rd[/sup] and 4[sup]th[/sup] century councils. The four day prophecy of Exodus 12 is able to then illustrate that this Bishop who wrote Didascalia Apostolorum was not baring solid true witness regarding the illustrated events when he claimed [color="#ff0000"]it was the Second day of the week[/color][/size][size="3"]. Exodus 12 prophecy and the historical evidence of its fulfillment also highlights that the Gospel of John is not baring true witness by claiming the anointing in Bethany occurred 6 days before the Passover. It exposes that Matthew and Mark are also not baring true witness by illustrating that the anointing in Bethany occurred two days before the Passover.

The Gospel of the twelve, though placing the anointing in Bethany with the correct perception of time for when the event occurred (Evening of the Sabbath) appears to skip the day time period for the event that would have occurred on the Sabbath day following the anointing in Bethany by stating that the triumphal entry occurred on the First day of the week. Later in the Gospel of twelve's testimony of events that followed up to the Crucifixion, someone from our Christian past added in a day transition in the middle of the Cleansing of the Temple testimony, otherwise the Gospel of Twelve would have portrayed Jesus Crucifixion on a Thursday.[/size]


[size="3"]What I find most interesting is that the bishop appears to be using the book of Matthew as it appeared in His day (specifically chapter 26 as it appears in our day) to explain his perception of understanding. The oldest know copies of the canonized gospels can only be allegedly dateable to the 3[sup]rd[/sup] to 4[sup]th[/sup] century. Chapter 26 of Matthew as it appears to us today begins with a time marker by stating it was Two days before the Passover, (12 Nissan) then illustrates the same events that the bishop was trying to portray occurring two days earlier than the gospels of Matt and Mark currently portray. If the Gospel of Matthew and Mark which state a uniform perception of time for these events were never changed or altered by Scribes in the third or fourth century, this Bishop, whose testimony is said to predate the oldest preserved Christian gospel texts would not be presenting this perception of understanding which goes very contrary to the perception of time presented by our bibles gospels today regarding the anointing in Bethany event. This is clear evidence that the bible gospels we have today are not what were available to the Third century Christian prior to the 3[sup]rd[/sup] and 4[sup]th[/sup] century councils.[/size]


[size="3"]One thing that is very clear is that this man is a man of intelligence and reason who was familiar with the Jewish concept of time regarding an evening and morning making a day. It's very clear that he inherited written lies which caused him to build an understanding on lies. We today are an end result of this which gives us evidence of this below Jeremiah prophecy in fulfillment since many make the bible the Word of God instead of the voice of truth that those of the truth should hear as was spoken by Jesus to Pilate. [/size]


[b][size="3"]Jeremiah 16: 19-20 [/size][/b]

[size="3"][b]19 O LORD, my strength and my fortress, My refuge in the day of affliction, The [u]Gentiles[/u] shall come to You From the ends of the earth and say, "Surely our fathers have inherited lies, Worthlessness and unprofitable [i]things.[/i]" 20 Will a man make gods for himself, which [i]are[/i] not gods? [/b][/size]

[size="3"]The time line at the below link illustrates very clearly how to use OT Prophecy as a light to the confusion of Christian written recorded history. See pages 9 and 12 in comparison to the Bishops testimony. The mystery of Babylon is soon to be solved when the born again process (the true gospel of the Christ) begins being taken to the world in truth through the Spirit that gives life not the letter which kills. 2 Corinthians 3:4-6[/size]



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Sticks and stones regarding the post on my profile Winchester. You can mock me all you want. What good does it do anyone to reject or to mock history? Those who do are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past or continue existing in the end result of those mistakes. What follows is unbiased objective truth when read in full. Does not matter if you want to speculate that it is not. This is your Catholic history revealed by the light of God as he instructed me to present it to you and your friends. See for yourself to know my words are true. What you do with this information is up to you. This is a treasure of truth from God, Will you bury it? Or will you invest?


[size="3"][b][u][color="#0000ff"]on the tenth of the moon[/color][/u][/b], [color="#ff0000"]on the second day of the week[/color], (p. 92) the priests and elders of the people assembled and came to the court of Caiaphas the high priest; and they took counsel to apprehend Jesus and put him to death: but they feared, saying: Not in the festival, lest the people make a tumult [Mt 26.3-5]; for all men were hanging upon Him [Lk 19.48], and they held him for a prophet [Mt 21.46] on account of His miracles of healing which He did among them. [b][u][color="#0000ff"]But Jesus [/color][color="#0000ff"]was that day in the house of Simon the leper[/color][/u][/b][/size][size="3"][color="#0000ff"] [/color][Mt 26.6], and we together with Him, and He related to us that which was about to happen to Him. But Judas went out privily from us, thinking that he would evade our Lord, and went to the house of Caiaphas where the chief priests and elders were assembled, and said to them: What will ye give me, and I will betray Him to you when I have found an occasion? But they appointed [[188]] and gave him thirty pieces of silver [Mt 26.15]. And he said to them: 'Make ready young men armed, because of His disciples, that if He go forth by night to a desert place I may come and lead you.' And they made ready the young men and prepared to seize Him. And Judas was watching, when he might find him an occasion to betray him

If Christ died on a Friday in the Year of His Crucifixion, The testimony as illustrated above regarding the anointing in Bethany would have taken place on the second day of the week for the tenth of the moon or Ten Nissan. See page 9 of the time line at the end of this post for example. What is clear by this testimony is that it is placing the anointing in Bethany on the Evening of the tenth day of the first month since it's in reference to the upcoming Passover/crucifixion. For the possibility of a Friday crucifixion this would have been a Sunday Night (Gregorian time). This in turn according to the book of John would have placed the triumphal entry on a Monday if it happened the day after the anointing in Bethany. This illustrates that the Palm Sunday tradition had not yet been established by the 3[sup]rd[/sup] century councils that defined the tenet view. The Third century Christians had a great deal of confusion based on the written testimonies that existed in their time. [/size]

[size="3"]All through the Didascalia Apostolorum the Bishop appears to be quoting from Matt, Mark, Luke and John yet he had this perception of understanding which is very different and not consistent with the traditional perceptions shared by much of Christianity today who build their understanding on what should be the same gospels if they never changed by the hand of scribes during the first three centuries where no solid accountability can be given or verified.

If Christ died on a Wednesday in 30 AD, (see page 12 and 13 of link referenced time line at the end of this post) what we have is a piece of historical testimonial evidence corroborating that the anointing in Bethany occurred on the evening of the tenth day of the first month, (Ten Nissan). If Christ was crucified in 30 AD, the anointing in Bethany would have been the Evening of the Sabbath just as the Gospel of the twelve presents which gives credibility that the Gospel of the twelve predates the Didascalia Apostolorum which is said to have been written in the second to Third century prior to the 3[sup]rd[/sup] and 4[sup]th[/sup] century councils. The four day prophecy of Exodus 12 is able to then illustrate that this Bishop who wrote Didascalia Apostolorum was not baring solid true witness regarding the illustrated events when he claimed [color="#ff0000"]it was the Second day of the week[/color][/size][size="3"]. Exodus 12 prophecy and the historical evidence of its fulfillment also highlights that the Gospel of John is not baring true witness by claiming the anointing in Bethany occurred 6 days before the Passover. It exposes that Matthew and Mark are also not baring true witness by illustrating that the anointing in Bethany occurred two days before the Passover.

The Gospel of the twelve, though placing the anointing in Bethany with the correct perception of time for when the event occurred (Evening of the Sabbath) appears to skip the day time period for the event that would have occurred on the Sabbath day following the anointing in Bethany by stating that the triumphal entry occurred on the First day of the week. Later in the Gospel of twelve's testimony of events that followed up to the Crucifixion, someone from our Christian past added in a day transition in the middle of the Cleansing of the Temple testimony, otherwise the Gospel of Twelve would have portrayed Jesus Crucifixion on a Thursday.[/size]

[size="3"]What I find most interesting is that the bishop appears to be using the book of Matthew as it appeared in His day (specifically chapter 26 as it appears in our day) to explain his perception of understanding. The oldest know copies of the canonized gospels can only be allegedly dateable to the 3[sup]rd[/sup] to 4[sup]th[/sup] century. Chapter 26 of Matthew as it appears to us today begins with a time marker by stating it was Two days before the Passover, (12 Nissan) then illustrates the same events that the bishop was trying to portray occurring two days earlier than the gospels of Matt and Mark currently portray. If the Gospel of Matthew and Mark which state a uniform perception of time for these events were never changed or altered by Scribes in the third or fourth century, this Bishop, whose testimony is said to predate the oldest preserved Christian gospel texts would not be presenting this perception of understanding which goes very contrary to the perception of time presented by our bibles gospels today regarding the anointing in Bethany event. This is clear evidence that the bible gospels we have today are not what were available to the Third century Christian prior to the 3[sup]rd[/sup] and 4[sup]th[/sup] century councils.[/size]

[size="3"]One thing that is very clear is that this man is a man of intelligence and reason who was familiar with the Jewish concept of time regarding an evening and morning making a day. It's very clear that he inherited written lies which caused him to build an understanding on lies. We today are an end result of this which gives us evidence of this below Jeremiah prophecy in fulfillment since many make the bible the Word of God instead of the voice of truth that those of the truth should hear as was spoken by Jesus to Pilate. [/size]

[b][size="3"]Jeremiah 16: 19-20 [/size][/b]

[size="3"][b]19 O LORD, my strength and my fortress, My refuge in the day of affliction, The [u]Gentiles[/u] shall come to You From the ends of the earth and say, "Surely our fathers have inherited lies, Worthlessness and unprofitable [i]things.[/i]" 20 Will a man make gods for himself, which [i]are[/i] not gods? [/b][/size]

[size="3"]The time line at the below link illustrates very clearly how to use OT Prophecy as a light to the confusion of Christian written recorded history. See pages 9 and 12 in comparison to the Bishops testimony. The mystery of Babylon is soon to be solved when the born again process (the true gospel of the Christ) begins being taken to the world in truth through the Spirit that gives life not the letter which kills. 2 Corinthians 3:4-6[/size]


God Bless

Edited by todd_vetter33
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[quote name='todd_vetter33' date='01 December 2009 - 09:17 PM' timestamp='1259720221' post='2012844']
Sticks and stones regarding the post on my profile Winchester. You can mock me all you want. What good does it do anyone to reject or to mock history? Those who do are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past or continue existing in the end result of those mistakes. What follows is unbiased objective truth when read in full. Does not matter if you want to speculate that it is not. This is your Catholic history revealed by the light of God as he instructed me to present it to you and your friends. See for yourself to know my words are true. What you do with this information is up to you. This is a treasure of truth from God, Will you bury it? Or will you invest?[/quote]
History is not a synonym for "stuff I made up".

And AD precedes the date, Professor.

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Questions for the members of this forum:

1. Is the word Heresy used to label somthing that is an all out lie?

2. Is the bible catholic Doctrine?

3. Is the bible perfect and inspired by the Holy Spirit?

4. Does the holy spirit inspire any lie?

5. Can a single one time even that occured in less than 1 hour in earth history happen on 3 different days?

Please respond.

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[quote]1. Is the word Heresy used to label somthing that is an all out lie?[/quote]

Not necessarily. There can be elements of truth in heretical doctrine. More often than not, heresies simply inordinately and incorrectly overemphasize a particular truth to the detriment of others.

[quote]2. Is the bible catholic Doctrine?[/quote]


[quote]3. Is the bible perfect and inspired by the Holy Spirit?[/quote]

Yes. But I'm not sure if you have the same understanding of what that actually means.

[quote]4. Does the holy spirit inspire any lie?[/quote]


[quote]5. Can a single one time even that occured in less than 1 hour in earth history happen on 3 different days?[/quote]

I don't really understand the question.


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[quote name='zunshynn' date='02 December 2009 - 10:08 PM' timestamp='1259809716' post='2013528']
[color="#0000ff"]1. Is [/color][color="#0000ff"]the word Heresy used to label somthing that is an all out lie?
[/color]Not necessarily. There can be elements of truth in heretical doctrine. More often than not, heresies simply inordinately and incorrectly overemphasize a particular truth to the detriment of others.

[color="#0000ff"]2. Is the bible catholic Doctrine?

[color="#0000ff"]3. Is the bible perfect and inspired by the Holy Spirit?
[/color]Yes. But I'm not sure if you have the same understanding of what that actually means.

[color="#0000ff"]4. Does the holy spirit inspire any lie?

[color="#0000ff"]5. Can a single one time even that occured in less than 1 hour in earth history happen on 3 different days?
[/color]I don't really understand the question.


Regarding the anointing In bethany Event that occured only one time in the week prior to the Crucifixion of Christ.

-Gospel of John places this event 6 days before the Passover (8 Nissan by Jewish reconning of Time)
-Gospel of Matt places this event 2 days before the passover (12 Nissan by Jewish reconning of time)
-Gospel of Mark places this event 2 days before the Passover (12 Nissan)
-2nd to 3rd Century Bishop quoting from Matt as it appeard in his day says this event fell on (10 Nissan) and claims it was the second day of the week See page 9 and 12 in comparison.
-Gospel of Holy twelve places this single event on the Evening of the Sabbath before the passover. When placed on a time line along with other historical evidence illustrating prophecy fulfiment this would also be 10 Nissan

All the Christian world agrees the Passover is 14 Nissan according to the laws of moses where Christ was Crucified in place of the lamb.

Only one of the historical testimonies listed above is speaking truth inspired by God for a single event. Which is it.

1. Is the Holy Spirit lying when the bible says this event was 8 Nissan or 12 Nissan?

2. Is the Catholic church lying by presenting this single event on more than one day since the bible is Catholic doctrine?

3. How is the bible perfect if it is telling a lie regarding this single event in history?

All the testimonies above for this single event were at one point in history part of Catholic Christian History.

Page 9 of the link referenced time line presents the recognized Catholic perception for this event since the bible is Catholic Doctrine.
page 12 and 13 of this time line presents the prophetically fulfilled perception of Catholic doctrine from Catholic christian history illustrating all the testimonies but only one testimony fulfills prophecy.


4. Which of the listed Catholic historical testimonies for the anointing event is telling the truth from God?

Very respectfully

Todd M. Vetter

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[quote name='zunshynn' date='02 December 2009 - 10:08 PM' timestamp='1259809716' post='2013528']
Not necessarily. There can be elements of truth in heretical doctrine. More often than not, heresies simply inordinately and incorrectly overemphasize a particular truth to the detriment of others.


Yes. But I'm not sure if you have the same understanding of what that actually means.


I don't really understand the question.


I will also second each of zunshynn's statements.

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