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[quote name='OraProMe' date='10 November 2009 - 08:59 PM' timestamp='1257901145' post='1999982']
The ears are not designed to have holes in them (earings). Eyes are designed to see (so you better stop playing Marco Polo). The vagina is designed to allow period blood to flow out, so you better stop using tampons. The lungs are designed to breath, so you better stop smoking.


The purpose of ears are to hear. Earrings do not frustrate that end. Eyes are meant to see. Closing one's eyes for a game is not contrary to the purpose of having eyes. The vagina does not exist to let blood flow out. It exists as a reproductive organ. The lungs are designed to breathe oxygen, and while smoking may, in the long run, harm the lungs, it is not a contradiction of their purpose.

Reproductive organs were designed for reproduction. Any other use is a contradiction of their purpose.


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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Sternhauser' date='10 November 2009 - 08:07 PM' timestamp='1257901633' post='1999989']
The purpose of ears are to hear. Earrings do not frustrate that end. Eyes are meant to see. Closing one's eyes for a game is not contrary to the purpose of having eyes. The vagina does not exist to let blood flow out. It exists as a reproductive organ. The lungs are designed to breathe oxygen, and while smoking may, in the long run, harm the lungs, it is not a contradiction of their purpose.

Reproductive organs were designed for reproduction. Any other use is a contradiction of their purpose.

Using them for purposes other than reproduction does not frustrate that end unless you never engage in a reproductive act. You can masturbate or engage in same-gender sexual activities and still procreate.

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[quote name='Sternhauser' date='10 November 2009 - 08:07 PM' timestamp='1257901633' post='1999989']
The purpose of ears are to hear. Earrings do not frustrate that end. Eyes are meant to see. Closing one's eyes for a game is not contrary to the purpose of having eyes. The vagina does not exist to let blood flow out. It exists as a reproductive organ. The lungs are designed to breathe oxygen, and while smoking may, in the long run, harm the lungs, it is not a contradiction of their purpose.

Reproductive organs were designed for reproduction. Any other use is a contradiction of their purpose.


I disagree and think humans constantly use their bodies for something other than their evolutionary "purpose" but I don't want to go around in circles.

But why is "any other use" in "contradiction of their purpose" wrong? Why must something have only one use and why is any other use of that faculty wrong? Please explain your answer "because it's not natural" will not suffice. The eyes can see but why must they see? Sex can be procreative but why must it be procreative?

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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='10 November 2009 - 09:09 PM' timestamp='1257901747' post='1999991']
Using them for purposes other than reproduction does not frustrate that end unless you never engage in a reproductive act.

Masturbation or same-sex activities (mutual masturbation) are contrary to the primary purpose of sexual activity. They are completely closed off to the creation of new life.

[quote]You can masturbate or engage in same-gender sexual activities and still procreate.[/quote]

Putting bleach in my eyes, even if I can see afterward, is not in accordance with any purpose of having eyes.


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[quote name='OraProMe' date='10 November 2009 - 08:15 PM' timestamp='1257902113' post='1999994']
I disagree and think humans constantly use their bodies for something other than their evolutionary "purpose" but I don't want to go around in circles.

But why is "any other use" in "contradiction of their purpose" wrong? Why must something have only one use and why is any other use of that faculty wrong? Please explain your answer "because it's not natural" will not suffice. The eyes can see but why must they see? Sex can be procreative but why must it be procreative?

Yeah bro...see. You and Varg both aren't responding to the issues. You are dismiissing them with a wave of the hand and a "Nah...I disagree; explain another way that isn't so compromising".

I suppose if you want another reason: Violations of the natural order bring about disorder. Homosexual sex breeds severe damage to the body anal or oral. Socially, most (I know not all) homosexual relationships are founded in lust for sex not for genuine self gift. We often hear about the "gay couple who have been together for years" but we promptly ignore the vast numbers of the relationships that are fleeting and fling like. Certainly, this is an occurrence in heterosexual relationships as well which is why we aren't excused either; that's why promiscuity are considered an evil as well. Masturbation breeds addiction, which then creates a cycle of self gratification which performed habitually becomes ingrained in the persons relational capacity (high level of pleasure and chemicals in the brain producing bonding sensations...for no one else but self =not healthy).

Pornography is the practice of degrading another human being by viewing them in intimacy for sexual arousal distinct from the persons involved. Contracepted sex is essentially the practice of using your spouse as a sex toy for pleasure, even using the intimacy as an additional and added source of pleasure.

Pardon my introducing Divine Revelation. As Catholics, we hold the practice of sex to be a participation in the creating power of God. We actually imitate the Trinity, in that a man and woman in a beautiful act of intimacy and self surrendering (totally...hence marital vows' necessity)passion one for the other. This acts as the context for the begetting of new life.

Sex= Inception of life in the context of self surrendering and passionate intimacy in conjunction with the Divine act of creation in the soul's being breathed in at conception.

Homosexual Sex

The heights of this act are distorted in the above perversions and are ipso facto: sins.

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Sternhauser' date='10 November 2009 - 08:39 PM' timestamp='1257903575' post='2000016']
Masturbation or same-sex activities (mutual masturbation) are contrary to the primary purpose of sexual activity. They are completely closed off to the creation of new life.

Putting bleach in my eyes, even if I can see afterward, is not in accordance with any purpose of having eyes.

Then your earlier example of smoking does not fit as you used it. Smoking is contrary to the purpose of the lungs because it damages them and prevents them from working as they are supposed to.

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[quote name='OraProMe' date='10 November 2009 - 09:15 PM' timestamp='1257902113' post='1999994']
I disagree and think humans constantly use their bodies for something other than their evolutionary "purpose" but I don't want to go around in circles.

But why is "any other use" in "contradiction of their purpose" wrong? Why must something have only one use and why is any other use of that faculty wrong? Please explain your answer "because it's not natural" will not suffice. The eyes can see but why must they see? Sex can be procreative but why must it be procreative?

Unnatural human behavior is just that: opposed to human nature. It is not opposed to human nature to use machinery to fly. It is not opposed to human nature to use technology to breathe underwater.

It is opposed to human nature to [i]abuse[/i] the purpose of one's organs. If I jab icepicks in my ears, it is wrong. It is an abuse [i]and[/i] contradiction of the purpose of my ears. If I trip on acid for pleasure, it is wrong. It is an abuse and a deliberate abandonment of reason. Why is it wrong to rape someone, OraProMe? Because it is a contradiction of the human free will, (one of the intrinsic qualities of the human soul) [i]and[/i] an abuse of the sexual faculty, which is ordered toward the reproduction [i]and[/i] raising of offspring.


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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='10 November 2009 - 09:45 PM' timestamp='1257903924' post='2000025']
Then your earlier example of smoking does not fit as you used it. Smoking is contrary to the purpose of the lungs because it damages them and prevents them from working as they are supposed to.

There are millions of people who smoked until their 80's and then died of non-smoking-related causes.


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[quote name='Sternhauser' date='10 November 2009 - 05:39 PM' timestamp='1257903575' post='2000016']
Masturbation [is] contrary to the primary purpose of sexual activity. They are completely closed off to the creation of new life.

to nitpick, so is not masturbating. both have the same chance of a human life springing forth.

[quote name='Sternhauser' date='10 November 2009 - 05:47 PM' timestamp='1257904040' post='2000029']
There are millions of people who smoked until their 80's and then died of non-smoking-related causes.

and millions of people who have gay sex but havent died of AIDS or a heaven sent lightning bolt. has nothing to do with things being wrong, if some people survive them. even if most do.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' date='10 November 2009 - 09:54 PM' timestamp='1257904484' post='2000040']
to nitpick, so is not masturbating. both have the same chance of a human life springing forth.[/quote]

The human person has the ability to sing. It is not necessary to sing in order to be saved, but one may not sing with the intent to lead others into killing innocent people. That is not a contradiction.

[quote]and millions of people who have gay sex but havent died of AIDS or a heaven sent lightning bolt. has nothing to do with things being wrong, if some people survive them. even if most do.

Smoking is not intrinsically exclusive to simultaneously breathing air and thereby supplying the body with oxygen.

Masturbation and mutual masturbation are intrinsically exclusive to bringing forth life.


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[quote name='Sternhauser' date='10 November 2009 - 08:45 PM' timestamp='1257903936' post='2000026']
Unnatural human behavior is just that: opposed to human nature. It is not opposed to human nature to use machinery to fly. It is not opposed to human nature to use technology to breathe underwater.

It is opposed to human nature to [i]abuse[/i] the purpose of one's organs. If I jab icepicks in my ears, it is wrong. It is an abuse [i]and[/i] contradiction of the purpose of my ears. If I trip on acid for pleasure, it is wrong. It is an abuse and a deliberate abandonment of reason. Why is it wrong to rape someone, OraProMe? Because it is a contradiction of the human free will, (one of the intrinsic qualities of the human soul) [i]and[/i] an abuse of the sexual faculty, which is ordered toward the reproduction [i]and[/i] raising of offspring.


That's not what I asked. Just because something (reproductive organs, ears, eyes) can do something doesn't automatically mean they must. That's a big leap you're making and I'd like you to explain how you get from A to B.

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[quote name='OraProMe' date='10 November 2009 - 09:44 PM' timestamp='1257907476' post='2000075']
I'd like you to explain how you get from A to B.
They are right next to each other. Duh.

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[quote name='OraProMe' date='10 November 2009 - 10:44 PM' timestamp='1257907476' post='2000075']
That's not what I asked. Just because something (reproductive organs, ears, eyes) can do something doesn't automatically mean they must. That's a big leap you're making and I'd like you to explain how you get from A to B.

There is a difference between abstaining from a positive good and doing a moral evil. It is possible that one may never hear music with one's ears. It is not morally evil to not listen to music. It is a moral evil to use one's ears to eavesdrop on a conversation you have no right to hear. That is an abuse of their purpose. You may not morally use your tongue to spread lies about others. That is an abuse of the purpose of the tongue/gift of speech. And so on and so forth.


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