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Is Life Fair


is life fair  

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Life isn't fair. In order for something to be fair, everyone has to get an equal (not necessarily same) lot in life. No one does. Therefor life isn't fair. I agree with picchick in that it's what you make of it, though life does have its ups and downs, and more ups than downs and visa versa for some. Just an example: I'm have severe depression. There are many people who are surrounded by others who can pull them up when they're feeling down. For the most part, I have to pull my own self up because for whatever reason, the friends I have just aren't willing to do that. Is that [i]fair[/i]. No, but it's life. I can either keep going and deal with it or just not. For those who actually said that life [i]is[/i] fair, what makes it fair?

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[quote name='txdinghysailor' date='01 November 2009 - 01:09 PM' timestamp='1257098974' post='1994836']
Yes, life is fair. I've found in my 20 years of studying life and living, that the good parts of life are always balanced out by the bad parts. Therefore life is fair, even though sometimes it sure seems like it isn't
Your optimism disgusts me.

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[quote name='iheartjp2' date='03 November 2009 - 12:22 AM' timestamp='1257168169' post='1995181']
Life isn't fair. In order for something to be fair, everyone has to get an equal (not necessarily same) lot in life. No one does. Therefor life isn't fair. I agree with picchick in that it's what you make of it, though life does have its ups and downs, and more ups than downs and visa versa for some. Just an example: I'm have severe depression. There are many people who are surrounded by others who can pull them up when they're feeling down. For the most part, I have to pull my own self up because for whatever reason, the friends I have just aren't willing to do that. Is that [i]fair[/i]. No, but it's life. I can either keep going and deal with it or just not. For those who actually said that life [i]is[/i] fair, what makes it fair?

Well, I was one of the ones who said life is fair, so I guess I should try to respond. first, I am very sorry for you that you have depression. I know this seems unfair to you, especially as you say you don't have friends to pull you up. That would certainly seem unfair to you if you see others who appear to have so much more. You don't say if your depression is physical/chemical or affective (triggered by events) but in either case it is difficult and my prayers are with you.

Nihil Obstat says that a case can made for any answer, and this is true; it usually is true for most things. In fact, this has always been one of my problems, being able to see everything from all sides, and in the process, thoroughly confusing myself! :rolleyes:

So any answer that we give might just be how we choose to make the case at that time. Maybe if I responded to this question when I was feeling very hurt or angry, I might say that life is unfair - I have done this on many occasions. I have even heard it said that "There is no justice in earthly courts." Of course then we are talking about justice instead of fairness and most people see these as two different things. So if fairness is everyone getting an equal share of everything [u]in this world[/u], then I guess it looks like life can't be fair. But I was thinking more along the lines of fairness and justice being similar - from an eternal perspective, in that we all have an equal opportunity for salvation, but it is difficult to have the eternal perspective when we are feeling sorry for ourselves, so that is why it is so important to try to [u]choose [/u]to see the fairness in life.

This is done by "counting our blessings" instead of our sorrows, and also by taking a look at some of the sorrows that others are going through, that we are not being forced to face. This was brought home to me very forcefully when I worked with the homeless in Detroit during a snowy winter. We would drive around in a lovely warm van, distributing bag lunches to people on the streets. We would drive up and honk, and they would come up to the window to get their food. One time we pulled up to a curb, but an elderly man on crutches couldn't get past the snow bank to get to the van, so I got out to take the bag to him. I had to walk through the snow bank (wearing fleece lined boots and wearing a jacket) and my feet got cold and I started shivering. I handed the bag to the old man and noticed that he had no socks or shoes on - so I ran back to the van to get him a couple of pairs of socks (we had no shoes unfortunately), and took these back to him. As I was about to get back into the van, I found myself trying to hurry and I even said "Oh my gosh it's so cold. My feet are freezing!" I nearly slapped my hand over my mouth and prayed that the old man hadn't heard me complaining as I realized what I had just said. I became very upset at myself for being so stupid and so insensitive - lady bountiful handing out food and socks while sitting in a warm car with lots of clothes on and warm fleece boots! It really shocked me how self-centered I really am!

One of the ways to help treat depression is to try to go outside yourself, to think of others. If there is any way that you can get involved in doing things for those who just might be less fortunate than yourself, this can be so much better than just having friends to help pull you up again! And it kind of balances out what you perceive to be the "unfairness" in life. The other thing to remember is that you do have a friend who will help pull you up any time you ask him for help. Spending time in front of the Blessed Sacrament in adoration is great for this. I never feel alone in front of Him.

Anyway, for me, the "fairness" is in the fact that all of us are sinners, and yet all of us have been been offered salvation through Jesus - He is sort of an Equal Opportunity Savior! :love:

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I've been reading a book that was a collection of interviews and talks from a woman who went by the name, "Peace Pilgrim."

Peace Pilgrim, began a crusade as an advocate of peace. She began the crusade by walking for peace, back in 1953 and continued walking across the US and parts of Canada, for 28 years. Her live was ended at the age of 73, when she was killed
in an head on collision, as she was being drive to give a talk.

Any, one part of the book she answered the question about "problems," in life, and seeing this thread, it came to mind.
Here's what she said.

[quote]THE PURPOSE OF PROBLEMS is to push you toward obedience to God's laws, which are exact and cannot be changed. We have the free will to obey them or disobey them. Obedience will bring harmony, disobedience will bring you more problems.
Likewise, when societies get out of harmony, problems develop within the society. Collective problems. Their purpose is to push the whole society toward harmony. Individuals can discover that they can not only grow and learn through individual problem solving, they can learn and grow through collective problem solving. I often say I've run out of personal problems, then every once in a while a little one presents itself somewhere. But I hardly recognize it as a problem because it seems so insignificant. Actually, I want to do all my learning and growing now by helping to solve collective problems.
There was a time when I thought it was a nuisance to be confronted with a problem. I tried to get rid of it. I tried to get somebody else to solve it for me. But that time was long ago. It was a great day in my life when I discovered the wonderful purpose of problems. Yes, they have a wonderful purpose.
Some people wish for a life of no problems, but I would never wish such a life for any of you. What I wish for you is the great inner strength to solve your problems meaningfully and grow. Problems are learning and growing experiences. A life without problems would be a barren existence, without the opportunity for spiritual growth.
I once met a woman who had virtually no problems. I was on a late-night radio program in New York City. This woman called the station and wanted me to come to her home. I was intending to spend the night at the bus station, so I said okay. She sent her chauffeur for me, and I found myself in a millionaire's home, talking to a middle-aged woman who seemed like a child. She was so immature, and I wondered at her immaturity, until I realized that the woman had been shielded from all problems by a group of servants and lawyers. She had never come to grips with life. She had not had problems to grow on, and therefore had not grown. Problems are blessings in disguise! [/quote]

The book is not copy righted and is free on line. She would never have allowed her words to be sold.



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[quote name='JimR-OCDS' date='03 November 2009 - 01:27 AM' timestamp='1257172057' post='1995195']
I've been reading a book that was a collection of interviews and talks from a woman who went by the name, "Peace Pilgrim."

Peace Pilgrim, began a crusade as an advocate of peace. She began the crusade by walking for peace, back in 1953 and continued walking across the US and parts of Canada, for 28 years. Her live was ended at the age of 73, when she was killed
in an head on collision, as she was being drive to give a talk.

Any, one part of the book she answered the question about "problems," in life, and seeing this thread, it came to mind.
Here's what she said.

The book is not copy righted and is free on line. She would never have allowed her words to be sold.



Wow - thank you so much for sharing that with us - it was beautiful!

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[quote name='nunsense' date='02 November 2009 - 11:31 AM' timestamp='1257172312' post='1995198']
Wow - thank you so much for sharing that with us - it was beautiful!


BTW, I like your pic of Berini's Ecstasy of St Teresa. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/D.gif[/img]


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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

"Life [i]IS[/i] Pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something." Dread Pirate Roberts

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[quote name='Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam' date='02 November 2009 - 07:23 PM' timestamp='1257207785' post='1995467']
"Life [i]IS[/i] Pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something." Dread Pirate Roberts
In the book, Goldman states that life is not fair. He's right.

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I don't see life as a test, i.e. one we must pass or fail, but rather, a growth experience.

The challenges we go through in life builds character and we become stronger after going through
each one. That is of course if you accept the challenge as a growth experience.

As St Theresa said, unfortunately, many waste the opportunity for growth by belly-aching


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[quote name='JimR-OCDS' date='03 November 2009 - 02:11 AM' timestamp='1257174686' post='1995210']
BTW, I like your pic of Berini's Ecstasy of St Teresa. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/D.gif[/img]


Me too! :love:

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[quote name='Saint Therese' date='03 November 2009 - 11:13 PM' timestamp='1257307998' post='1995955']
If you voted yes, you're [s]under 30[/s] an idiot.

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[quote name='Saint Therese' date='03 November 2009 - 10:13 PM' timestamp='1257307998' post='1995955']
If you voted yes, you're under 30.
I thought young people were the cynical and jaded ones these days.

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