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The Pope Is Not Infallible Because He Has Not Decreed On Genesis


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[quote name='Tony Atonement' date='26 November 2009 - 11:23 PM' timestamp='1259295790' post='2010035']
Mr. Obstat,

Your theory that the Big Bang resulted in the instant when God "made light", is erroneous because contrary to your statement that He [u]made[/u] light, you are forgetting that the Creator Himself [u]is[/u] light (1 Jn 1:5)--"dwelling in the light which no man can approach" (1 Tim 6:16). Thus, the obvious pre-existence of visible light prior to the establishment of the sun, moon and stars---is not an argument for the Big Bang being the "light" spoken of in Genesis 1:3.
You've just argued in favor of an animistic ideal.

And you also argued that God "rests" literally. Indicating He expends effort, which He does not. He wills.

You have also made what is essentially a Gnostic argument (salvation through knowledge).
[quote] If you want to be taken seriously, you ought to include proof with your assertions, not just make claims hoping people will believe you simply by the breath of your mouth. I suggest you recant this position if you want to maintain your credibility.


I suggest you go fly a kite.

Also, pot calling kettle black syndrome is in full effect with you. You're just not aware you're doing it.

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[quote name='Tony Atonement' date='26 November 2009 - 11:23 PM' timestamp='1259295790' post='2010035']
Mr. Obstat,

Your theory that the Big Bang resulted in the instant when God "made light", is erroneous because contrary to your statement that He [u]made[/u] light, you are forgetting that the Creator Himself [u]is[/u] light (1 Jn 1:5)--"dwelling in the light which no man can approach" (1 Tim 6:16). [/quote]
Light is a creature.

Your proof-texting is worse than average. That's sad.

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[quote name='Tony Atonement' date='24 November 2009 - 03:47 PM' timestamp='1259095635' post='2008652']

I would say the issue of evolution, which is nothing more than a fairy tale for adults and "science falsely so-called" per 1 Tim 6:20, is an extremely important enemy that needs to be dealt with, if for no other reason that the very first sentence in the Bible demands it.

The Bible alo demands we combat the unbiblical doctrine of a heliocentric galaxy. After we eradicate godless Darwinism they'll be a day of reckoning for that heathen Copernicus.

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[quote name='Hassan' date='26 November 2009 - 11:58 PM' timestamp='1259297917' post='2010061']
The Bible alo demands we combat the unbiblical doctrine of a heliocentric galaxy. [/quote]


Not that I'm opposed to the theory stating that the human body has its origin in pre-existent and living matter...

Edited by Resurrexi
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[quote name='Resurrexi' date='27 November 2009 - 12:02 AM' timestamp='1259298162' post='2010062']

Not that I'm opposed to the theory stating that the human body has its origin in pre-existent and living matter...

By his interpretation of scripture heliocentrism needs to be shut down. Who are we to believe? God who says he halted the Sun's progress across the sky or some obscure Polish Priest and NASA geeks?

Edited by Hassan
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[quote name='Hassan' date='27 November 2009 - 12:05 AM' timestamp='1259298351' post='2010065']
By his interpretation of scripture heliocentrism needs to be shut down. Who are we to believe? God who says he halted the Sun's progress across the sky or some obscure Polish Priest and NASA geeks?

As I am sure you are well aware, I do not think that there is any contradiction between the truths of revelation and the truths known through the natural sciences. I don't think that the Bible supports geocentrism, flat earth, or any other scientifically incorrect view.

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[quote name='Resurrexi' date='27 November 2009 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1259298621' post='2010069']
As I am sure you are well aware, I do not think that there is any contradiction between the truths of revelation and the truths known through the natural sciences. I don't think that the Bible supports geocentrism, flat earth, or any other scientifically incorrect view.

That's why I specifically said his interpretation.

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Guest Tony Atonement

[quote name='Resurrexi' date='27 November 2009 - 12:02 AM' timestamp='1259298162' post='2010062']

Not that I'm opposed to the theory stating that the human body has its origin in pre-existent and living matter...

On the contrary, the dust of the ground, which God used to create us, was [u]dead[/u], not living matter.

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Guest Tony Atonement

[quote name='Winchester' date='26 November 2009 - 11:48 PM' timestamp='1259297304' post='2010050']

You've just argued in favor of an animistic ideal.

And you also argued that God "rests" literally. Indicating He expends effort, which He does not. He wills.

You have also made what is essentially a Gnostic argument (salvation through knowledge).

I suggest you go fly a kite.

Also, pot calling kettle black syndrome is in full effect with you. You're just not aware you're doing it.

I'm afraid Mr. Winchester is greatly confused. I quoted the Roman Catholic document stating that the hierarchy, [i]de facto[/i], rejected the concepts put forth by Pythagoras, which is, by definition, [u]animism[/u]. For those who don't know the meaning, I will quote the dictionary: "Primitive beliefs put forth by Pythagoras advancing the idea of an immaterial force animating the universe." I have never [u]once[/u] intimated, animistically, that God Himself should fall under the classification of some nebulous "immaterial force" if that's what you were suggesting (since you don't go on to explain your argument, you simply assert it). Second, your assumption that I was promoting the idea that God literally "rests" as if He was "exhausted" after the Creation week, is categorically ridiculous. In case you don't know, He purposely rested ---not that he was tired! but as an [u]example[/u] to us, in that we were to work six days and to rest on the seventh. I have no idea how you could glean that conclusion from anything I've said. But without any proof, who can really know where your head is at? Finally, because you then go on to blow a lot of hot air, (without any proof once again) that I am somehow advocating "SALVATION through KNOWLEDGE", whatever that means, these comments too must be tossed overboard.

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