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Regnum Christi: The Apostolic Movement


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Is anyone here on phatmass a member of Regnum Christi?

I am looking to gain more knowlege of the movement and of the founder Fr. Marcial Maciel.

Please pass along any information you may have. Wikipedia and the actual website of the movement have very conflicting information and there are a lot of negative biases against the movement. Anyone able to help clear this stuff up? Thanks. :)

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Madame Vengier

I have heard pros and cons, bad and good. But since Fr. Maciel was officially silenced by the Holy Father a couple years aggo, no one seems to talk about RC very much. Unfortunate. Many thought he was a saint. And, maybe he is. Or will be.

I'm sure you can easily find someone in RC to talk to about our inquiries. Try Googling them.

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I've been a member for about 4 years, but didn't get to do a lot once I left Seattle and since then, did a few retreats.

I had a really hard time with a situation with a consecrated because I didn't want to do co-workers. Then she never talked to me again, which I thought was really bizzare.

Fortunately, I wasn't too hurt and will be working at an RC school come Fall! Tomorrow I head out for the Summer Institute in Georgia.

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I hear conflicting things too! The Archbishop of Baltimore has had serious problems with the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi in his diocese, to the point where he gave a public statement that he was considering throwing them out. For the time being I think he is just restricting their activities.

I don't know too much about the subject but from what I could glean there seem to be issues with secretiveness and cult-like behaviors. I believe the Archbishop of St. Paul has banned them in his diocese, as well.

However generally they are very othodox... I get a lot of fundraising mail from their seminary in Connecticut and the men always appear happy and clean-cut... maybe a little too clean cut if you know what I mean? If there was one ugly seminarian with a beard I would feel less weirded out.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Maggie' post='1610612' date='Jul 28 2008, 11:39 AM']I hear conflicting things too! The Archbishop of Baltimore has had serious problems with the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi in his diocese, to the point where he gave a public statement that he was considering throwing them out. For the time being I think he is just restricting their activities.

I don't know too much about the subject but from what I could glean there seem to be issues with secretiveness and cult-like behaviors. I believe the Archbishop of St. Paul has banned them in his diocese, as well.

However generally they are very othodox... I get a lot of fundraising mail from their seminary in Connecticut and the men always appear happy and clean-cut... maybe a little too clean cut if you know what I mean? If there was one ugly seminarian with a beard I would feel less weirded out.[/quote]

Without a doubt, they are incredibly well-groomed. Well, they feel they represent Christ and they want to show their best self as Christ's ambassador. I can understand. But they are REALLY clean-cut! :lol:

When I was in college several years back, RC was banned from our campus. The President of the college had no problems with them theologically--as our college was very solid as well--but he got totally fed up with the way the RC folks were chasing the students around, constantly calling and coming out to see them. Very pushy in their recruitment methods and our Pres was like "Enough! Our students will call YOU if/when they are interested. Please don't contact our school again."

I never had any run-ins with them. Apparently I wasn't RC "material" (i.e. not good enough). Which, honestly, was fine with me. :D

Really sad to think that even amongst orthodox Catholics we still can't get along sometimes. Human nature.

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All I know is that Archbishop Harry Flynn instructed the Legions of Christ to not be active in any way in our Archdiocese and that Regnum Christi is to be kept completely separate from all activities of all parishes. They are not to use any parish or archdiocesan property for their meetings or programs. He said they were secretive and that they were seeming to run parallel programs to the Church and that a parallel church was being encouraged. Their program appears to be encouraging a separation of people from their parish.

That's all I know although, JPII didn't seem to have a problem with them.

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Madame Vengier

The "secret cult" accusations are very similar to those leveled against Opus Dei. Yet the Vatican fully endorsed OD. Without reservation. I think it could be that they are just "different". You know how that goes.

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The Vatican doesn't invite a person to "a life of prayer and penance" without a reason. I would consider sexual abuse allegations against the founder of a religious community a very serious matter.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1610173' date='Jul 27 2008, 06:36 PM']I have heard pros and cons, bad and good. But since Fr. Maciel was officially silenced by the Holy Father a couple years ago, no one seems to talk about RC very much. Unfortunate. Many thought he was a saint. And, maybe he is. Or will be.

I'm sure you can easily find someone in RC to talk to about our inquiries. Try Googling them.[/quote]

Interestingly enough, I have definitely been open-minded about the movement, but when I try to get informed (as much as recruitment is seen as a high priority), I have trouble with this. This is because, as my diocesan Bishop has told me...RC legionaries, co-workers, and consacrated are "parachuted" in and out. This makes it difficult to inform my conscience about whether of not the spirituality of the movement is something I should pursue or not. Also, there is a Regnum Christi prayer book. I have seen this prayer book and asked how I could get a copy. I have been told that without serious consideration in going on a RC discernment of potential membership retreat, I cannot have access to my own RC prayer book. For a movement that expects members to meet the certain prayer commitments once they have joined, it seems odd that the prayer book would be so exclusive and reserved.

[quote name='melporcristo' post='1610201' date='Jul 27 2008, 07:29 PM']JMJ

I've been a member for about 4 years, but didn't get to do a lot once I left Seattle and since then, did a few retreats.

I had a really hard time with a situation with a consecrated because I didn't want to do co-workers. Then she never talked to me again, which I thought was really bizzare.[/quote]

That is bizarre. The recruitment aspect is such a huge emphasis from what I see. So much so that once I was in confession with a visiting legionary of Christ priest and this priest gave me his business card with a promise to put me in touch with the coworkers and consacrated if I emailed him. :P I found this a little strange...didn't email him...I know the coworkers and consacrated.

[quote name='Maggie' post='1610612' date='Jul 28 2008, 11:39 AM']I hear conflicting things too! The Archbishop of Baltimore has had serious problems with the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi in his diocese, to the point where he gave a public statement that he was considering throwing them out. For the time being I think he is just restricting their activities.

I don't know too much about the subject but from what I could glean there seem to be issues with secretiveness and cult-like behaviors.
However generally they are very othodox... I get a lot of fundraising mail from their seminary in Connecticut and the men always appear happy and clean-cut... maybe a little too clean cut if you know what I mean? If there was one ugly seminarian with a beard I would feel less weirded out.[/quote]

Yea, they definitely seem to have an image and reputation to maintain. I have heard the words cult-like, right wing, traditionalist, conservative, independent, exclusive, and elitist all associated with the movement. :P

[quote name='somethingfishy' post='1610906' date='Jul 28 2008, 04:48 PM']The Vatican doesn't invite a person to "a life of prayer and penance" without a reason. I would consider sexual abuse allegations against the founder of a religious community a very serious matter.[/quote]

Yes, if you search the movement on wikipedia or other various sources (not the RC site, of course) there are all sorts of allegations of abuse by the founder. That is a pretty important element to clear up, I believe.

There is much negative critism about the movement and I may sound like my mind is made up. But I am still intrigued by this apostolic movement. Everyone who I met who is affiliated (or incorporated as they say) is so prayful, joyful...they all seem like awesome imitators of Christ and great witnesses. When I talk with them, the answers to all my questions and to the allegations seem to make sense. Also, I participate in the Holyweek missions that they do year after year in my city. There is a lot of good. The prayer commitments seem to be really instrumental in the lives of these RC members, coworkers, and consacrated men and women's striving for holiness.
I am conflicted in my views right now and need to learn more. I am looking for ways to do this still. Thanks to everyone who's been posting what they know. It's all very good and helpful. peace

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[quote name='Veritas' post='1611257' date='Jul 29 2008, 12:28 AM']+

I'm sorry, a little OCD about spelling ;) It's "consecrated". Interesting thread.[/quote]

Thanks. I'll remember that. :) :cool:

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Veritas' post='1611257' date='Jul 29 2008, 12:28 AM']+

I'm sorry, a little OCD about spelling ;) It's "consecrated". Interesting thread.[/quote]
Hey, me too! ;)
I also lurves mah grammar.

So what can anyone tell me about the founder who's been accused of things by some and adored by others?

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I am a member of Regnum Christi and was a coworker several years ago. I also got my masters degree at the Regnum Christi pontifical school in Rome, Regina Apostolorum. If anyone has any specific questions about Regnum Christi, feel free to PM/email me and I will answer them to the best of my abilities.

Before I joined Regnum Christi I too was very confused about all of the rumors that go around about RC and the Legionaries. Some of my family members and close friends were very worried that I was joining a cult, and I'm not one to do things that generally "go against the flow" and step out on a limb. Joining RC was definitely stepping out on a limb for me, but what convinced me to do it was to ask myself the question, "Is this going to bring me closer to Christ?" The answer to that question was most definitely yes. Of course RC isn't for everyone, it's a vocation, but for me it was definitely what God was calling me to do. Since then my relationship with Christ has grown so much deeper.

Don't get me wrong, RC is not perfect, nor are RC members or the Legionaries. We are all human and sinful just like everyone else, so you definitely get less than ideal situations coming up from time to time. Another thing about RC is that it was founded in Mexico so the Mexican culture has permeated many of the ways of RC, making it strange or a little bit odd in other countries. Also, there is the whole issue of figuring out exactly what the relationship between lay movements and parishes are within the Church. The two should never be competing, lay movements should be there to help support parishes, but since they are something new working out the nitty gritty details of how that looks is hard. The same issue has come up time and again with religious orders and parishes.

To sum it all up, keep in mind the scripture passage Matthew 7: 15-21
[quote]Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Just so, every good tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. So by their fruits you will know them.[/quote]

The apostolates of Regnum Christi and the Legionaries of Christ have certainly born good fruit, I have personally witnessed much of it.

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One Down and 3 Point 6

[quote name='somethingfishy' post='1610906' date='Jul 28 2008, 06:48 PM']The Vatican doesn't invite a person to "a life of prayer and penance" without a reason. I would consider sexual abuse allegations against the founder of a religious community a very serious matter.[/quote]

I am a particularly young member of Regnum Christi (17 years old), but the movement has helped me greatly. Both Holy Fathers since the Legion's/Movement's foundation has loved our movement dearly (Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI). Fr. Alvero Cocuera, LC, our General Director, meets with Benedict XVI often, and the Holy Father always displays the greatest interest in the wellbeing of the members of the movement and the Legion. I do not think the Holy Father thinks our Founder guilty, but that he only wanted to silence the persistant accusations that continued to come to his attention.

It is also something to say for Fr. Maciel that he defended himself once truthfully, and left the matter to the Vatican. When asked to be silent publically, he accepted it as the will of the Father and did not challenge the authority of the Holy Father. Loving obedience from a criminal? That is impossible, for true, unconditional, and lovingly humble obedience is only obtainable through friendship with Christ.

Then again, time will tell. I believe he will be a saint (his movement revived my spirituality from disaster to a wonderful relationship with Christ), and many saints before him have undergone persecutions. In fact, I cannot call to mind one who hasn't. He always taught us while he was on earth that faith is not easy, and persecutions will always be there for those who love Christ. In our movement, the persecution of our founder has been our greatest sorrow and challenge, because we know how much he desired to love Christ and bring others to him. He once stated: "When I think of the world waning and dying for lack of Christ... I cannot hold back the cries of my heart. I want to multiply myself, divide myself, so as to write, preach, and teach Christ. And from the very depths of my being, from the very spirit of my spirit, bursts forth this single resounding cry: 'MY LIFE FOR CHRIST!' Rechristianize mankind. This is our mission. This is our goal. This is the reason for our movement."

Regnum Christi has always sought to support the parishes. In the spirit of our founder who was asked by the Vatican to step down, we will obviously respect and honor our bishops if they ask the same of us. In the end, we are all members of the body of Christ and should act as such, complimenting each other and bringing out all of the virtues and charisms of our beloved Universal Church.

Thank you so much for encouraging unity and refraining from tearing down a single aspect of the Mystical Body.
You are all in my prayers and, as the Universal Church, in the prayers of Regnum Christi members and Legionaries worldwide.

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