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Fidei Defensor


(I-Newswire) - MARY-IS-GOD CATHOLIC MOVEMENT, a Marian Movement within the Catholic Church will open a new site on December this year. In a private conversation with FNC, its founder Dominic Sanchez Falar, stated “the need to inform the Catholic World of the truth of the Fatima message amidst satanic efforts in the Vatican to hide the truth for good”.

Dominic claims that the third secret of Fatima states Mary’s divinity and is the reason why it has remained enshrouded with cover-ups and misinformation by Vatican officials. “The problem is that the Fatima Apparition got the Church’s authentication before Church officials then, were able to know the message of Our Blessed Mother. It would have been a different story had the message been known prior to Church investigation of the apparition itself. It was all in accordance to the Will of The Most Holy Spirit”, Dominic stressed.

MIGCM has supporters in at least 2 major islands in the Philippines and has close associations with some influential catholic priests. Dominic though, refrained from giving more information when asked to name his supporters in the Clergy. Noticeably the Archdiocese is still silent on the matter despite complaints by some concerned Catholics on what they claim as heresy being propagated by MIGCM.

The movement, which is barely two months old, is constantly progressing and its activities are quite conspicuous in the Internet.

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My goodness, we Catholics defend ourselves against claims that we worship Mary, and now here come "Catholics" who just give Protestants more ammunition!

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Truly it is pride and a sin to claim that Mary is God.

Mary humbled herself, humbles herself. She has never and will never claim to be God.

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And now that I think about it, there was a faction of the liberation theology movement that said that Mary was the Hypostatic Union of the Holy Spirit. This is probably just an outcropping of the feminist movement continuing their attempt of distorting the church.

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I actually saw something about that on the net already, last month. It was shocking to read, the way this article dished the pope. How can they call themselves Catholic and dish the pope? What ever happened to obedience?


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I prefer in such situations of arising heresy the Chaplet of the Holy Face rather than the Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Arise Oh Lord and let thine enemies be scatter, and let those that hate Thee flee from before Thy Face

I suppose both ought to be offered in response to such situations, however.

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2 major islands in the Philippines
Luzon and Visayas

I bet

Mindanao is mostly Muslim
that's why they're not getting any supporters from that major island

this is horrible

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