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Why Are Alcohol And Cannabis Treated Differently?


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Scripture uses wine and says a little in moderation is ok. Find me an example of another recreational, mind-altering substance in early Christian writing, something not associated with Jewish religious practices or sacraments.


Well why can't it be old testament stuff?  In the old testament, there are clearly references to what could be interpreted as mind altering substances, which God did not condemn.  God certainly was not shy about telling people when they are sinning in the Old Testament.  And where in the Bible does it say what people can and cannot use (I'm not saying there is or isn't a verse, I genuinely do not remember)?

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Well why can't it be old testament stuff?  In the old testament, there are clearly references to what could be interpreted as mind altering substances, which God did not condemn.  God certainly was not shy about telling people when they are sinning in the Old Testament.  And where in the Bible does it say what people can and cannot use (I'm not saying there is or isn't a verse, I genuinely do not remember)?

I don't think I said it couldn't be scripture. I consider scripture to be part of Early Christian writing since even the OT was part of what the first Christians were taught. I just meant wine is used in Passover and the Eucharist, but nothing else like that is. So you have a scripture reference for me?

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I don't think I said it couldn't be scripture. I consider scripture to be part of Early Christian writing since even the OT was part of what the first Christians were taught. I just meant wine is used in Passover and the Eucharist, but nothing else like that is. So you have a scripture reference for me?


I mean the entire bible, old and new (apocrypha doesn't really mention anything so we can leave that one out).  Are you saying that if the bible does not have examples of a certain behavior, people are not allowed to do it?  Lol that would place a lot of things off limits.

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Nihil Obstat

At the wedding at Cana, Christ turned water into wine, not oregano into pot.

He also did not turn water into coffee, so like I said, we have to do better than that if we want a coherent position here.

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The most important moral question of our day is whether or not it's a sin to smell industrial sized amounts of incense, because if it's not I'm totally going broke buying it and inhaling it like it's coke.

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So does that means it's totes cool to attack, kidnap, and cage human beings if they possess or use these drugs? 

Some places treat them as patients, not criminals, if they are addicts.  Is that cool?

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Marijuana for medical purposes is different from marijuana for recreational purposes. Marijuana may have some medical value along with some danger (like I read somewhere that 10% (25K out of 250K) of schitzophrenics in the UK a few years ago could have avoided if they did not smoke marijuana), and there are several carcinogens often in marijuana. There are also some medications being made with the THC in them to help avoid these. I hope that those who support medical marijuana can support these medications with less toxins over straight marijuana once they are tested and produced.

If either caffeine or marijuana or alcohol are needed to feel better, then that calls into question whether our motives are what they should be. Is pleasure more important than caring for our body or honoring God?
Ok, so maybe marijuana is not used just to treat something or feel good but as a social thing.

Recreational use of marijuana should consider:

Catechism of the Catholic Church
2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.
Now I've read enough to have some real doubts about how safe regular smoking of marijuana is. While there is some conflicting research and more study may be of value, it seems reckless with our bodies to go willynilly smoking.
Unless we are truly certain that consuming is fairly safe, it seems like we could be sinning, and it's better to not take that chance unless it is maybe necessary for life or something.
Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.  We should treat them with care. Alcohol has a therapeutic use in Eucharist and a reference from Paul to Timothy about his stomach for medicinal use. I though this was an interesting quote from a Catholic Forums discussion on MJ v. Alcohol "No such proportionately grave reason exists when marijuana is ingested for recreational purposes - that's closer to masturbation, because both are forms of self-abuse. Recreational drug use might not have quite the effects that contraceptives do, but both practices are harmful to the body. And it is unChristian for Christians (or for anyone) to treat their bodies as though their bodies were theirs to treat as they wished - they belong to God alone, & not to us. "
One thing that I see different in alcohol vs. marijuana is that alcohol was connected to religious practices of our tradition and religious heritage. I do not know of this in any other recreational drug. Perhaps the questions here should include are we too lax on alcohol consumption?
Edited by Light and Truth
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Credo in Deum

To find out why they're treated differently recreationally, simply spend and consume $5 dollars worth of marijuana (which from my street pharmacist apprenticeship days, should get you a bowls worth) on one day, and then $5 dollars worth of alcohol on another.

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simply spend and consume $5 dollars worth of marijuana (which from my street pharmacist apprenticeship days, should get you a bowls worth) 


So when you say bowls worth, are you talking about how much youd pack in a bowl (the pipe type thing) or are you actually talking about a cereal bowls worth?

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Credo in Deum

So when you say bowls worth, are you talking about how much youd pack in a bowl (the pipe type thing) or are you actually talking about a cereal bowls worth?

The bowl chamber in a pipe or a bong. If you got a cereal bowls worth for $5 you were most likely sold a cooking spice.
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The bowl chamber in a pipe or a bong. If you got a cereal bowls worth for $5 you were most likely sold a cooking spice.


Yeah rofl I was gonna say thats some cheap ish right there.

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But just as a friendly note for people, there is no known physically attainable OD level for cannabis at the current time. 

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But just as a friendly note for people, there is no known physically attainable OD level for cannabis at the current time. 

Friendly reminder: don't become one of those spaced out people who has smoked a ton just because you can smoke a lot without dying. Our futures are meant to be brighter than that.

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Friendly reminder: don't become one of those spaced out people who has smoked a ton just because you can smoke a lot without dying. Our futures are meant to be brighter than that.

Hmm someones bias is showing.

I encourage you do read up on some scientific studies regarding cannabis. I think the biggest thing holding it back is that the previous lack if information has caused a lot of misconceptions. We still dont know a ton about its effects on the body but we are making strides. 

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