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That More Gun Control Would Reduce Gun Violence, Is Common Sense


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seriously, when it comes to your views on government I disregard everything you say.  You advocate for anarchy and survival of the fittest.  Its not a form of law that would EVER work. 


Also you do know the constitution which you hold to for your second amendment comes from the government.  So kind of funny how you want no government unless it agrees with your point.  Then you like government.  Very hypocritical.


I nowhere advocate survival of the fittest. I say that you cannot use violence to compel someone to aid others. That's not "survival of the fittest". Read Gerard Casey.


I noticed that you did not address the statement, just built your precious little strawman.

Edited by Winchester
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The private sales made at gun shows can occur anywhere. The failure of licensed dealers to file paperwork can also occur anywhere, and the absence of a transfer from a weapon purchased by the normal means involving FFL would be a problem. There is no gun show loophole. Sorry you don't know how it works. I happen to know the FFL rules pretty well.



yep, gun deals are all upstanding citizens who would never do anything wrong or break the law.  Only those who doe not legally own a gun are criminals. 

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And your credible argument went out the window when you implied all killers have shady friends.  Cause no one ever commits murder in the heat of the moment.  I mean we never hear about some killers who were just the nicest people and no one would have suspected anything.  Making up stuff to try to make your point makes you look very bad. 


It was just as much of a stretch to imply that a sketchy arms dealer would deter a killer. However, you do bring up a good point. A case in which the murder is not premeditated is different. I would argue that a person willing to use a gun in this situation is also willing to use other weapon. In the heat of the moment a knife would work well too. If I had a choice between someone using a knife against me or a gun, I'd choose a gun. A knife hurts going in, coming out, and all the time in between. 


The heat of the moment argument implies that people are incapable of controlling themselves. It's a bit cynical, to be honest. If there is a person predisposed to use a gun in such a situation, then there is a problem with that individual, not the gun. 

Edited by CatholicsAreKewl
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I didn't read thread but I saw a disturbing falsehood that needs to be corrected if it hasn't been already.





Japan is not an island. It is an archipelago with like a gajillion islands. 

Edited by Ice_nine
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Japan is not an island. It is an archipelago with like a gajillion islands. 

At least a gajillion. 

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seriously, when it comes to your views on government I disregard everything you say.  You advocate for anarchy and survival of the fittest.  Its not a form of law that would EVER work. 


Also you do know the constitution which you hold to for your second amendment comes from the government.  So kind of funny how you want no government unless it agrees with your point.  Then you like government.  Very hypocritical.


Our rights come from God, not the government.

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I love how dairygirl makes a thread that says "______ is good/bad and there is no way to dispute that, because of this article"


Then enter about 300 posts detailing the opposing viewpoint, with a plethora of opinions, cited facts, studies, and statistical comparisons, etc.


Then about a week later, you see the exact same thread show up "_____ is good/bad, no way to dispute that, i have never seen arguments to the contrary, because of this article." from Dairygirl.


enter another several hundred posts directly responding to her claims, with no acknowledgement whatsoever of opposing arguments from Dairy, just continuous linking to the same couple articles, and making the same few blanket response posts.


why does anyone even bother responding? its like trying to hold a conversation with a goldfish, by the time they swim to the other side of the tank and back, they have completely forgotten they have even seen you before.



This is like the 50th thread you have started on the same topic, and from the way you post, it might as well be that the previous 49 didnt ever happen.


Reminds me a lot of the movie 50 first dates, but instead of a charming Drew Barrymore and a hawaiian locale, its just more and more text that says "Guns! You are a bad person because columbine! Be australia! no i wont answer questions!"

Edited by Jesus_lol
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Our rights come from God, not the government.

God didn't give you poo.
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God didn't give you poo.

This egg Mcmuffin is about to. 

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what do you want me to say? ive acknowledged there's othe studies that show different results in certain states and countries. and then i responded that we should at least have background checks. and the studies and common sense behind that. and then no one disputes it, i assume cause it's not disputable. 

in the future i will focus on background checks. 

i also point out that australia and japan for example made an all out massive restriction on guns, no dilly dallying and connections with other countries etc. the other studies have less tight restrictions. 

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yep, gun deals are all upstanding citizens who would never do anything wrong or break the law.  Only those who doe not legally own a gun are criminals. 


Never said they were. Pointed out that the choice to not file paperwork is easily made outside the magical confines of the gun show. You seem to have never heard of the black market. Look up Prohibition. Should be an eye opener, for you.

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Our rights come from God, not the government.



this is the most pointless thing anyone has added to this debate.  You speaking to Catholic's on here.  Of course we know our rights come from God.  Good contribution. 

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Never said they were. Pointed out that the choice to not file paperwork is easily made outside the magical confines of the gun show. You seem to have never heard of the black market. Look up Prohibition. Should be an eye opener, for you.



nope never heard off it.  Good thing I have your big ego to let me know things.  thanks

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It was just as much of a stretch to imply that a sketchy arms dealer would deter a killer. However, you do bring up a good point. A case in which the murder is not premeditated is different. I would argue that a person willing to use a gun in this situation is also willing to use other weapon. In the heat of the moment a knife would work well too. If I had a choice between someone using a knife against me or a gun, I'd choose a gun. A knife hurts going in, coming out, and all the time in between. 


The heat of the moment argument implies that people are incapable of controlling themselves. It's a bit cynical, to be honest. If there is a person predisposed to use a gun in such a situation, then there is a problem with that individual, not the gun. 




talking to you is pointless now.  Cause you will never agnolog(sp?) that a single person will be deterred.  Nothing in life is 100% for sure except for this according to you.  Didn't realize this along with death were the only sure things in life.  Good to know.

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